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tv   NBC10 News Today at 430am  NBC  April 18, 2016 4:30am-5:01am EDT

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nbc 10 news starts now. >> he looks good. he's very strong, had a strong handshake and strong conversation. >> a philadelphia police officer is recovering after getting shot on the job last night. we'll explain what he was doing just before the gunfire and we'll update his condition in a live report. medical marijuana is now the law of the land in pennsylvania. but how long will it take to make the drug available to patients? details are coming up. plus, pennsylvania politics. we'll tell you about the surge of stumping about to hit the keystone state ahead of the upcoming primary. good morning, this is "nbc 10 news today." i'm rosemary connors. it's just about 4:30 on this monday. get ready for some warm weather. some spots in our area could even hit 80 degrees. yes, let's take a live look outside at the center city skyline. still dark at this hour. i'm sure the sun will be shining
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later on. meteorologist bill henley is tracking the conditions where you live with our new neighborhood weather. good morning, bill. >> good morning, rosemary. it will be a beautiful day today. chilly spots to start with. not everybody is seeing the milder temperatures this morning. south jersey, for example, parts of it have dropped into the 30s. it's 507 degrees in philadelphia, lehigh valley, just shy of 50 and that 50 in the pennsylvania suburbs, a couple areas, cooler. no sign of any cold. phoenixville, 48 degrees right now. bradford township is at 59 at this hour. 42 degrees in swarthmore. a cool start. we'll see a quick warmup. the lehigh valley with clear skies, we'll see the temperatures come down a little bit more, 44 degrees at 7:00 and then look at that warmup. up to 65 degrees in just three hours time. that's a 21 degree increase. that's impressive. this afternoon, well, the temperatures across the board are going to be warm.
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80 degrees for delaware. the lehigh valley could hit 80 degrees along with philadelphia. beautiful one. look at the warmup for the pennsylvania çsuburbs. that's 78 degrees this afternoon. seven-day forecast shows you that today is going to be the warmest over the next seven days. but there is going to be a couple spots that are cooler this afternoon. i'll go through that neighborhood by neighborhood when i'm back in ten minutes. meantime, jessica boyington watching your first alert traffic. >> that's right, bill. we're watching montgomery county right now. out in new hanover for an accident scene on hill road and deep creek road. might be lane restrictions there. this is around montgomery drive. we have a 13-minute drive time into center city, from the blue route to the vine street expressway, speeds into the 50s, high 50s up there. all traffic is moving along just fine. we're for the most part on or close to schedule for mass transit. septa's war minter 403 is running about 15 minutes late.
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this morning, a philadelphia police officer is recovering after he was shot trying to stop a car break-in. we have live team coverage. katy zachry is at the hospital in university city where the officer is being treated. we begin with matt delucia. he's following the investigation. you just got an update from police. tell us about it. >> i'm told investigators have obtained and watched the surveillance video that paint y apparently has the two suspects on it. the two men in the case. this is 59th and market, just before 9:00. two officers we're told were flagged down by a woman who said two men were breaking into her car. the officers approached the men. they tried to run and officer james mccollough tackled one of them. that suspect fired on the officer, hitting him in the leg. he then ran off and officer mccollough fired his gun three times. both suspects were caught a short time later. now take a look at this video. this is at the septa platform on
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60th and market. investigators found a hat and knife they believe belongs to one of the suspects. they found it on the platform there. he tried to catch a train, couldn't, and ran back down the stairs before being caught by police. some folks in the area, witnesses watched this whole thing unfold. here's one of them. >> i lived in west philly all my life. gu times. to be that close, it's nerve-racking. you can hear it in my voice, my hands are shaking a little bit. >> the police commissioner and mayor praising the quick thinking of officer mccollough and his partner. the 18th district still rattled after the shooting of jesse hartnett, you may recall, back in january. live at the 18th district, matt delucia, nbc 10 news. >> thanks for walking us through all that, matt. katy zachry is live at penn presbyterian medical center where officer mccollough is recovering. fill us in on his condition. >> rosemary, police tell us he
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was shot in the left leg, and bleeding profusely at the scene. thanks to quick thinking and first aid training he learned on the force, he is expected to be okay. when officer james mccollough was shot near this west philadelphia intersection last night, he tried to get up but couldn't. he had been shot in the left thigh and was badly injured. thanks to his police training he knew how to apply a tourniquet and did so to himself. his partner put him in their patrol car and rushed him to penn presbyterian hospital where doctors say officer mccollough should make a full recovery. >> he looks good. he's very strong. had a strong handshake and strong conversation. >> reporter: that was philadelphia mayor jim kenney who got a chance to converse with officer mccollough before he was taken upstairs to his room. he's engaged to be married. he's been a philadelphia police officer for the last two years.
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for the police department, this shooting is a strong reminder of another police shooting that happened not too long ago. ironically right near where last night's shooting scene took place. we'll talk more about that and the comparisons that some top brass are making. coming up in the next half hour. reporting live in university city, katy zachry, nbc 10 news. >> all right, katy, we'll see you shortly. pennsylvania is about to become a major stumping ground for the presidential candidates. we'll tell you about the campaign visits planned for our area by both republicans and democrats, next. plus, marathon day in boston, what authorities are doing to make sure runners and spectators are safe and secure after the bombings three years ago. she says their names.
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trayvon martin shot to death. dontre hamilton unarmed. sandra bland... did nothing wrong. and makes their mothers' fight for justice her own. she fought in the senate to end racial profiling
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and discriminatory sentencing. and stands with the president against those who would undo his achievements. just like she's always...stood with us. hillary clinton. i'm hillary clinton and i approve this message. now your nbc 10 first alert weather with meteorologist bill henley. >> we are in for quite a warmup
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during the day today. the temperatures will stay mild all week long. the seven-day forecast, your seven-day for each part of our area, there are six of them, they're always scrolling at the bottom of the screen each time i'm on the air. we're starting at 50 degrees in philadelphia. light wind at 50 miles an hour. our skies are clear. look at the temperature warmup during the day. 62 degrees at 9:00. 75 by 1:00 this afternoon and those afternoon temperatures, 3:00, 4:00, 5:00, getting edging near the 80 degree mark and likely to hit it this afternoon. it's not just philadelphia. the pennsylvania suburbs will see that significant increase, 58 degrees at 9:00. 77 degrees by 3:00 this afternoon. let's go to the south, south jersey. we'll see plenty of sunshine today. 41 degrees right now. the wind is calm. 69 at 11:00. by 1:00 this afternoon, 74 degrees. a little bit different for the jersey shore. we saw those cool temperatures over the weekend, cooler than the rest of the area.
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at the shore, not bad, 41 degrees. 57 degrees at 9:00. easterly winds, that's a sea breeze that will be kicking in. that will keep the temperatures in the upper 60s at 3:00 and at 5:00 this afternoon. delaware will see that big warmup, 78 degrees. right now it is 46. what a turnaround for the temperatures. as you can see, things are changing over the next seven days. give you a look at the ten-day outlook when i'm back in ten minutes. 4:40 right now on this monday morning. we check in with jessica boyington, she's keeping an eye on the trouble spots out there on the road. >> we're watching montgomery county for an accident scene out in new hanover, lane restrictions there around hill road and deep creek road. police are there directing traffic around the scene as well. also a disabled vehicle in hatfield township on bethlehem pike and hilltown pike. route 42 in new jersey around the deptford area at route 41.
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no problems in either direction, northbound in here is typically we where we watch heading to philadelphia. that starts to jam up later on the drive times from 55 headed to the walt whitman bridge in philly, still a five-minute trip. presidential candidates are getting ready for a delegate battle ahead of new york's primary tomorrow. this as donald trump doubts the very system that would get him elected. >> because we have a system that's absolutely rigged. >> why trump says he must have a big voter turnout. and north korea nukes. new information about preparations for another possible nuclear test there.
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4:43 right now on this monday morning. here's a live look down the shore, beach avenue and cape may, not too many people out at this hour. guess what, a little bit later on, i'm sure there will be plenty of people taking a stroll on the beach.
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meteorologist bill henley tells us it will warm up into the 60s down the shore today. cooler than the city. he'll have that exclusive ten-day forecast coming up. the presidential candidates will set their sights on pennsylvania this week, ahead of the april 26th primary. tomorrow republican senator ted cruz will hold an election night watch party in philadelphia. that's where he'll track the returns from tomorrow's primary contest in new york. bernie sanders will travel to state college to hold a rally at penn state. sanders will speak on campus at rec hall around 7:00 in the evening. sanders democratic rival, hillary clinton plans to make a campaign stop in philly on wednesday. her campaign hasn't released the details yet but as soon as we have them, we'll pass them along. we are eight days away from the pennsylvania primary. the pa polls open at 7:00 a.m. on tuesday, april 26th. delaware holds its primary on that same day as well.
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new jersey voters go to the polls for their primary on tuesday, june 7th. as i mentioned, big day in new york tomorrow. the candidates are making their final pitches for voters there, ahead of the primary. donald trump in the meantime is encouraging a big turnout as he tries to crack 50% to sweep new york's delegates. he continues to criticize the gop delegate system. we have to when by big numbers because we have a system that's absolutely rigged. >> football teams don't get to get in the red zone and demand a touchdown and cry about it when you don't give them one. that's what we're dealing with the trump campaign. >> as for the democrats, hillary clinton and bernie sanders continue to spar over big money donations. clinton collected in california over the weekend. clinton and trump are expected to win the new york contest. a new poll asks what voters think should happen if no republican wins enough delegates to secure the party's nomination for president. the nbc news? "wall street journal" poll shows
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62% says the candidate with the most votes should get the nomination. compared to 33% who say in that case, the convention delegates should choose the party's nominee. jessica boyington is watching the maps and also watching our traffic cameras following what's happening out there on the roads. not a whole lot going on at this hour but jessica, there are a few spots people should ab wear of. >> that's right, rosemary. 295 over in mt. laurel, new jersey around route 38, not a lot of problems on the roads yet. relatively empty. we have 13-minute drive time here, southbound from 38 to the black horse pike. we also are watching accident scenes, different problems in montgomery county. i'll highlight some of those areas when i'm back in the next ten. now your nbc 10 first alert
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weather with meteorologist bill henley. a mild morning here at nbc 10. check out the bottom of your screen. this is where you'll find your seven-day forecast for each part of the our area because the conditions will be different in philadelphia than they are at the jersey shore, the lehigh valley or south jersey. there's your seven day. you can see what's ahead anytime i'm on the air. summer preview, most definitely. we'll see temperatures take off today. it's a warming trend that happened through the weekend. 73 yesterday afternoon. we're heading for 80 degrees later today. the pollen, though, is going to be remaining on the high side. the temperatures have come down, south jersey is 37 degrees. the jersey shore, though, mild at this hour. that will be changing as the day goes on. right now, 39 degrees in woodbine. those warmer temperatures along the ocean. in the morning, the ocean keeps things a bill warmer at theç shore. but in the afternoon, temperatures heat up inland and we'll see a significant warmup
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for mullica township, 38 degrees right now, that will start drawing in some of the ocean air, keep things cooler at the shore. much of the rest of the area will be topping out in the 80s today. look at philadelphia, somerton, 81. that's after a morning low of 46 degrees. radnor, 80 degrees after a morning temperature of 47. and easton will be up to 81 degrees in the lehigh valley. what about south jersey and delaware? well, south jersey, haddonfield, 79 degrees, glassboro is into the low 80s. 45 this morning at the jersey shore. those milder temperatures not quite as quick of a warmup for atlantic city, 68 degrees. get that onshore flow this afternoon while linwood warms to 75 this afternoon. delaware looking good, too. at 76 degrees for wilmington while dover and dewey beach will be in the upper 70s to near 80 degrees this afternoon. satellite completely clear for our area. no clouds and no sign of any wet
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weather. for most of the week. that changes with that. see the storms in texas, that's part of the system that's beginning to be here at the end of the week. you probably notice that on the seven-day forecast. here it is on ten-day outlook. an nbc 10 exclusive. there's that 80 degrees for today. cooler tomorrow, the winds shift, we'll get a northwesterly breeze. then it's right back in the 70s. that's in spite of a good chance that we'll see rain on friday, from that system that's over texas. there's a possibility that some of those showers will come into play on saturday, early saturday morning. there are a couple different variations, depending on which computer model you look at. we'll be watching that in the coming days. after we get past that bit of rain, look at those temperatures, staying nice and mild with high temperatures in the upper 60s to near 70 degrees right on through wednesday of next week. rosemary? >> spring, finally here. thanks, bill.
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president obama offers up pointers to an nba sharp shooter. >> go in a little bit. >> all right. >> release. >> make sure it's on your finger tips. >> we'll explain how the president andç steph curry are teaming up off the court. it is earth week at the adventure aquarium in camden. how they're marking the annual commitment to protect the environment.
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good morning, everyone. jessica boyington with a check on your first alert traffic. heading out the door on the boulevard today, you'll be just fine. at least right now, here's the boulevard right around fox street. no problems headed north or southbound. we were going to touch on things going on in montgomery county when i come back in the 5:00 hour. there's things going on there that might tie up your morning drive. >> speaking of morning drive, drivers who use kelly drive should be aware of changes happening today. the road will be milled and a
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curved ramp being installed. it means there will be lane restrictions today through saturday. the work will be going on during the morning and afternoon rush hours. this week you may run into painting crews on the blue route, the schuylkill expressway and i-95. penndot will use more than 114,000 gallons of yellow and white highway traffic paint. crews work from 9:00 a.m. to 3 p.m. on 76 and i-95 in montgomery and delaware counties. tens of thousands of long distance runners are getting set for the boston marathon. the first group of runners starts a little after 9:30 this morning. today's event is the 120th running of the marathon. it will also be the third time the marathon has been held since bombs went off at the race's finish line in 2013. the city's police commissioner insists that all necessary security measures are in place.
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new information this morning about north korea's nuclear program. south korea's president says north korea may be preparing a nuclear test. south korea has ordered its military to be ready to deal with any provocation by north korea. analysts say the nuclear test could happen before a landmark communist party congress that's expected early next month. by the way, we should mention, a north korean ballistic missile test on friday failed. go in a little bit. all right. release. make sure it's on your finger tips. >> a new parody video shows president obama teaching one of the best players in the nba how to shoot a basketball. golden stateç warriors point guard steph curry joined the president for the spoof which is part of the new campaign about the importance of mentoring. the video also shows the president helping curry fix his resume. the goal is to encourage americans to mentor young people in their communities. the video is part of president
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obama's my brother's keeper initiative. this morning, medical marijuana now officially legal in pennsylvania. >> it's law. >> governor tom wolf signed the new bill into law yesterday in harrisburg. the drug will be a new option for treating medical conditions ranging from cancer to post traumatic stress disorder. one marine veteran we spoke with says ptsd has crippled him. he also tells us he is happy about the new law but worries patients will have to wait too long to get relief. >> it is going to make them wait. it's going to be 18 months before anything is implemented. >> that's too long for you? >> that's way too long, it's ridiculous. >> i can't help but think this is what the government is supposed to look like, the marring are of our profession and common humanity. >> patients will only be able to ingest the drug in pill, oil or liquid form.
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they cannot smoke it legally. pennsylvania is the 24th state to legalize medical marijuana. those states also include new jersey and delaware. four states have legalized marijuana for recreational use. some big honors for those who work to advance the rights of the lgbt community. the heroes event was held at the hotel monaco in old city last night. the organization presented philadelphia mayor jim kenney with the straight ally hero award. he was one of several people singled out for their work. 4:56 right now on this monday. volunteers are revamping the rain garden today at the adventure aquarium in camden. it's part of a celebration of earth week. friday is earth day. the aquarium is holing events all week long to honor its mission of being a steward of the environment. families facing difficult challenges got to setç their cares aside at least for a
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little white yesterday. >> they were able to enjoy a beautiful day on the water. the spirit of philadelphia hosts this annual cruise for families with children battling serious illnesses. it's a partnership with the kelly ann dolan fund. one person we spoke with said it's an event that their family looks forward to every year. >> there's no judgment. the kids have a great time, run back, play, just be kids, normal kids. >> yesterday's cruise was the 15th year in a row the spirit of philadelphia has partnered with the kelly ann dolan memorial fund. she died of leukemia in 1976. for 40 years, her parents have made this their mission to take care of things like this that insurance doesn't cover, just little things children could enjoy with their families. >> couldn't have picked a better da i. the weather cooperated. "nbc 10 news today" at 57:00 a.m. starts right now.:00
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a.m. starts right now. nbc 10 news starts now. right now on "nbc 10 news today" -- >> there are a lot of guns out there. >> right now on "nbc 10 news today," officer shot in the line of duty. a philadelphia police officer is in the hospital this morning while two people are in custody. we have live team coverage. >> plus, new from overnight, up in flames. a home catches fire in delaware county and now crews are trying to figure out what started it. and take a live look outside at center city philadelphia. mild morning already with temperatures in the 50s. later today, we should be near 80. 30 degree climb. very nice. good morning and welcome to "nbc 10 news today." i'm vai sikahema. >> i'm rosemary connors. i can't get over some spots like just outside philly are in the 50s right now, considering we had 30s over the weekend. >> 5:00 a.m. >> meteorologist bill henley has
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our new neighborhood weather. this is a detailed forecast and it's something that the viewers toll us they wanted to sigh. >> that's why we're doing this neighborhood forecast to break it down. it's not just philadelphia. you mention the 50s. the pennsylvania suburbs, philadelphiaç in the 50s but south jersey, there's your 37 degrees. those weekend temperatures have carried over for some spots in south jersey. the lehigh valley is 49 degrees right now. and delaware is 44. pennsylvania suburbs will see a nice warmup during the day. 54 degrees to start with. the numbers come down a little bit just after sunrise. at 8:00, 52 degrees. look at that warmup, by 11:00 in the morning, 66 degrees. afternoon temperatures, they'll really take off today. you mention that 30 degree increase for philadelphia. there it is. you'll also see the warmup in the pennsylvania suburbs and gone will be the 30s this morning. 78 this afternoon for south jersey. a little bit different at the jersey shore. cooler as we'll see a sea breeze kick in this afternoon, because
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there's so much heating inland, lehigh valley, delaware, into the 80s this afternoon. very low 80s today. a little bit of a sum irpreview. that's today. right at the bottom of the screen, scrolling every time i'm on the air, the seven-day forecast for each part of our area because there's so much variation in the weather in our area. you'll see that anytime i'm on the air. when i come back, we'll go through the forecast for today neighborhood by neighborhood. meantime, jessica boyington is watching first alert traffic. we're watching 95 around state road. moving through the work zone, we're doing okay, southbound from woodhaven road to the vine street expressway. that total trip still 13 minutes. that's the southbound lanes right in here. speeds into the 60s. no problems headed northbound, of course, as well we typically see more delay and volume headed southbound towards center city at this time of morning. that accident in new hanover has cleared. you're good to go out there. there was one on hill road and deep creek road. maybe police activity on the


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